
[美國直購] Shure SFG-2 機械式針壓器 調整範圍0.5-3g Stylus Tracking Force Gauge大特賣,想要的朋友看過來!!

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[美國直購] Shure SFG-2 機械式針壓器 調整範圍0.5-3g Stylus Tracking Force Gauge台灣樂天購物網,台灣樂天市場購物網,日本樂天購物網站,樂天市場購物網站,樂天購物網站,台灣樂天購物,台灣樂天市場網站,樂天購物網,日本樂天購物網,樂天購物

[美國直購] Shure SFG-2 機械式針壓器 調整範圍0.5-3g Stylus Tracking Force Gauge

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有關[美國直購] Shure SFG-2 機械式針壓器 調整範圍0.5-3g Stylus Tracking Force Gauge的詳細介紹如下:


Precise, 0.05 gram increment scale measures force of stylus on record

Prevents mistracking, excessive record and tip wear and poor sound reproduction

For use with all Shure and other brands of turntable stylus

Tracking force is measured with tone arm in actual playing position.

Shure's Highly Accurate Beam Balance

The Shure Model SFG-2 Stylus Tracking Force Gauge is a highly accurate beam balance that is designed for measuring stylus tracking forces from 0.5 to 3.0 grams in 0.05 gram increments. Its rolling bearing pin pivots are engineered for minimal friction. Each SFG-2 Tracking Force Gauge is factory calibrated.


Ensure that your turntable is on a level surface and that its platter is level.

Place the SFG-2 on your turntable platter so that the turn-table spindle fits into the vee notch of the SFG-2, as pictured above. For better stability, you may instead place the SFG-2 on top of an LP record. Temporarily set anti-skating controls on your turntable or tonearm to zero.

Position the sliding weight on the SFG-2 at the tracking force that you would like to set for your tonearm (measured in grams). For forces over 1.50 grams, set the weight to half the desired force.

Carefully lower the tonearm and cartridge so that the stylus rests in one of the grooves on the lever arm. If you dialed in the force desired, use the groove labelled “TIMES 1'; If you dialed in half the desired force, use the “TIMES 2' groove, as illustrated below.

Carefully lift the stylus out of the groove and adjust your tonearm's counterweight to reduce or increase the tracking force as necessary. Adjust the tracking force until the white pointers, visible in the mirror, are edge to edge.

When finished, reset any anti-skate adjustments according to your tonearm or turntable manufacturer's instructions.

Product Dimensions: 24 x 14 x 6 inches ; 2.4 ounces

Shipping Weight: 2.4 ounces

ASIN: B00006I5SD

Item model number: SFG-2


[美國直購] Shure SFG-2 機械式針壓器 調整範圍0.5-3g Stylus Tracking Force Gauge



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